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PCOS Fertility Pack

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🌿 Enhance menstrual cycle
🌿 Improve fertility
🌿 Support hormone health
🌿 Support ovarian health
🌿 Support the endometrium
🌿 Support for pregnancy
🌿 Immune system support
🌿 Reduce stress
🌿 Improve mood and energy level
🌿 FDA approuved - 100% natural
🌿 Designed by a naturopath and micronutritionist


After years of extensive scientific research, we've delved into the essential vitamins and minerals that enhance fertility and promote overall well-being for Woman with PCOS. It's clear now that meeting the recommended daily intake of these specific nutrients can significantly enhance your prospects of achieving a healthy pregnancy. By incorporating a supplement containing optimal levels of these micronutrients into your daily routine, alongside a balanced diet, you're laying a strong foundation for your conception journey. 

In the PCOS Fertility Pack, you will find:

A 4-month supply of Luminaissance - supports female cycles with its unique composition.

A 2-month supply of Olympia - a vitamin complex that your body and eggs need throughout your cycle. Its unique formula covers daily needs with just 3 capsules.

A 3-month supply of Rising D3 - a Vitamin D supplement. Its unique formula covers daily needs with just one capsule.

A 2-month supply of Magnésia - Our Magnesium is designed to help you manage your stress naturally. 

A 30-days supply of Isis Phase 1 (Ovulation Support) and 30 days of Isis Phase 2 (Luteal Phase Support).

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a metabolic disorder due to a disturbance in our body. 

Is the Fertility Pack suitable for me?

Are you trying to conceive?

Are you experiencing ovulation disorders?

Do you have irregular cycles?

Do you want to restore ovulatory cycles?

Are you experiencing amenorrhea?

Have you answered YES to most (or all) of these questions?

Then the Fertility Pack is here for you! Take control of your hormones with the help of plants.

How to take

Instructions : Luminaissance Usage: Mix 3 grams of powder in a fresh or room temperature liquid. It is preferable to take this supplement in the morning during breakfast.

Olympia Usage: Take 3 capsules with a large glass of water in the morning.

Vitamin D Usage: Take 1 capsule per day with a large glass of water. Not recommended for women with personal and family history of breast cancer.

Magnésia Usage: Take 2 capsules per day with a large glass of water. It is preferable to take your Magnésia supplement in the evening before bedtime to promote peaceful nights.

Isis Phase 1 and 2 Usage: For Isis Phase 1, take 2 capsules per day starting from the first day of your cycle (the first day of your period) until ovulation. After ovulation, take 2 capsules of Isis Phase 2 to boost the luteal phase until the onset of your period.

Use for at least 1 to 3 months before expecting significant changes.

Storage: Keep in a dry place.

Note: Dietary supplements do not replace a balanced and varied diet or a healthy lifestyle.

Follow the recommended daily intake.
Not recommended for those allergic to any components.
Keep out of reach of children. Do not administer to children under 12 years old.
Inform your doctor or pharmacist in case of simultaneous medication.
Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Not recommended in case of a family history of breast cancer.
Not recommended in case of renal insufficiency.


Ingredients : Luminaissance Ingredients:
Vitamin C (312% of RDI - Recommended Daily Intake)
Vitamin B6 (100%)
Vitamin B12 (100% of RDI)

Olympia Ingredients:
Vegetable capsule
Camellia sinensis - Green tea
Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)
AAL (Alpha Lipoic Acid)
Eleutherococcus senticosus (Ginseng)
Rhodiola Rosea titrated at 3% rosavins
Vitamin E
Vitamin B3
Zinc Bisglycinate
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B9

Magnésia Ingredients:
Magnesium Bisglycinate titrated at 20%, i.e., 300 mg per day
Vitamin B6
Vitamin D3 from lichen and flaxseed oil.

Isis Phase 1 Ingredients:
Reishi Extract
Nettle Extract
Chaste Tree Extract
Black Cohosh Extract
Coenzyme Q10
Vitamin E
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B9

Isis Phase 2 Ingredients:
Chinese Yam Extract
Nettle Extract
Reishi Extract
Chaste Tree Extract
Coenzyme Q10
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Vitamin E
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B9

    best supplements for fertility with pcos
    Features of luminaissance supplement : enhance menstrual cycle, reduce menstrual cramps, imrove fertility, improve mood and energy level, enhance your skin appearance, made of natural ingredients
    Supplements of luminaissance : inositol, taurine, nac, vitamin c, vitamin b6, vitamin b12
    supplements facts of luminaissance
    features of isis phase 1 supplement : imrpove fertility, support hormone health, support the endometrium, helps the menstrual cycle, rich in antioxidant, made of natural ingredients
    supplements of isis phase 1 : vitex, coq1O, black cohosh, l-arginine
    supplements facts of isis phase 1
    features of isis phase 2 supplement : improve fertility, support hormone health, support the endometrium, helps the menstrual cycle, rich in antioxidant, made of natural ingredients
    supplements facts of isis phase 2
    supplements of isis phase 2 : vitex, coq1O, yam, l-arginine
    Features of magnésia complex supplement : blood sugar regulation, reduce menstrual cramps, reduce stress, improve sleep quality, reduce PMS, made of natural ingredients
    supplements of magnésia complex : magnesium, vitamin B6
    supplements facts of magnésia complex
    Features of olympia supplement : support hormone health, support ovarian health, rich in antioxidant, improve mood and energy level, reduce PMS, made of natural ingredients
    Supplements of Olympia : Coq-10, inositol, vitamin B9, NAC
    Supplements facts of Olympia
    Features of Rising D3 supplement : support hormone health, support ovarian health, support for pregnancy, mood regulation, immune system support, made of natural ingredients
    Primary supplement of rising D3 : vitamin D3
    Supplements facts of rising D3
    The founder Imane using the dietary supplements Olympia and Luminaissance "your routine with 24 vitamins, all in one place"

    You deserve transparency

    Each of products is meticulously crafted with extensively researched and recommended ingredients

    • Natural Supplements

    • Clinically Tested Actives

    • Formulated by a Naturopath and Micronutritionist

    • Gluten Free

    • No Synthetic Colors or Artificial Sweeteners

    • FDA Approuved

    First French brand for PCOS Supplement
    The French expertise now available to the US
    FDA approuved


    fertility pack compatibility

    PCOS: Yes.
    PCOS is a metabolic syndrome that can impact daily fatigue, oocyte quality, and oxidative stress. Therefore, Olympia is THE product to have.

    Hormonal Contraception: NO.

    Endometriosis: Yes.
    Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, can play a beneficial role in endometriosis. They help reduce oxidative stress, an inflammatory process that can worsen the symptoms of endometriosis.

    Pregnancy: No.
    Not recommended for pregnant women.

    Breastfeeding: No.
    Not recommended.

    Trying to conceive: Yes.

    Fertility treatments (ART): NO – Except for Clomid and Letrozole.


    Not recommended in case of allergy to any of the ingredients.
    Inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any medications simultaneously.
    Not recommended during pregnancy.
    Not recommended in case of kidney failure.
    Not recommended for women with a personal or family history of breast cancer.

    Can I use it as part of a stimulation or IVF treatment? Are they all compatible?

    No, this pack is not compatible with IVF or stimulation by injection (except for Clomid). If you are undergoing IVF, it is recommended to use the IVF pack instead. All supplements in this pack should be taken at the same time.

    How to detect ovulation?

    We have a complete blog article on this topic. Here are several commonly used methods to identify the time of ovulation:

    Menstrual cycle calendar: If you have a regular cycle, ovulation usually occurs about 14 days before the start of your next period. For example, in a 30-day cycle, ovulation might occur around the 16th day.

    Observing changes in cervical mucus: The consistency and color of cervical mucus change throughout the cycle. Around ovulation, it becomes clear, slippery, and stretchy, often compared to raw egg white. This indicates a fertile environment.

    Monitoring basal body temperature (BBT): Taking your temperature every morning upon waking with a basal thermometer can reveal a slight increase (about 0.5°C or 0.3°C) after ovulation due to increased progesterone production. Recording these temperatures daily can help identify patterns indicating ovulation, for example, using apps like Moonly or Fermometer.

    Ovulation tests: These tests detect the rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine, which occurs about 24 to 36 hours before ovulation. They are generally considered accurate and can be a convenient option if you're trying to conceive.

    Ovarian ultrasound: Used in a medical context, especially in fertility clinics, ultrasound allows for the direct visualization of follicle development in the ovaries, identifying the moment when ovulation is about to occur.

    How can I understand the different phases of my cycle?

    You can use ovulation tests or the symptothermal method. Given the potential margin of error with ovulation tests for PCOS, it is recommended to use the symptothermal method. If you want more details on this, an e-book to better understand the use of Isis Phase 1 and 2 supplements will be automatically sent to you after purchasing this pack.

    Female fertility according to age

    A woman's fertility significantly decreases with age. Here are the main trends observed:

    Probability of conceiving per cycle:

    At 25, the probability of conceiving per cycle is around 25%.
    At 35, this probability drops to 12.5%.
    At 42, it is only 6%.
    Cumulative effect over multiple cycles:

    For women aged 25, about 60% will have conceived in 6 months, 80% in one year, and 90% in two years.
    These numbers are halved for women starting at 35 and reduced by a quarter for women starting at 42.
    In vitro fertilization (IVF):

    The birth rate per IVF cycle is higher than 20% until 37 years old.
    It drops to only 6-8% after 42.
    Ovarian reserve:

    At 35, only 12% of the initial ovarian reserve remains.
    At 40, this percentage falls to 3%.
    Fertility rates by age group:

    The fertility rate for women aged 30-34 dropped from 13.1 children per 100 women in 2014 to 12.7 in 2019.
    For women aged 40 and over, the fertility rate was 3.5 children per 100 women in 2019.

    How is fertility after a miscarriage?

    After a miscarriage, fertility is generally not affected in the long term. Here are the key points to remember regarding fertility after a miscarriage:

    Preservation of fertility: In most cases, fertility is preserved after an isolated early miscarriage. A single miscarriage does not negatively impact the success of future pregnancies.

    No increase in fertility: Contrary to a common belief, there is no scientific evidence showing an increase in fertility after a miscarriage.

    Rapid return of ovulation: Ovulation can resume relatively quickly after a miscarriage, usually within 2 to 8 weeks, depending on the stage of pregnancy at the time of the miscarriage.

    Possibility of quick conception: It is entirely possible to get pregnant soon after a miscarriage, as early as the next ovulation.

    No need to wait: Recent studies suggest that it is not necessary to wait several months before trying to conceive again. Some research even indicates that women who conceive within 3 months of a miscarriage have higher rates of successful pregnancies.

    Importance of psychological well-being: The best time to resume trying to conceive is when the couple feels emotionally ready.

    Medical follow-up: In the case of repeated miscarriages (three or more), it is recommended to consult a specialist for a fertility evaluation.

    Fertility and Vitamin D

    Vitamin D plays a key role in fertility and chances of conception, mainly due to its involvement in the production of sex hormones, which are essential for the proper functioning of the reproductive system. It also helps regulate cell growth, a vital process for producing quality eggs and sperm. Several studies have highlighted the significant impact of vitamin D on fertility.

    For example, seasonal variations in sun exposure, which are higher in the summer than in the winter, appear to influence conception rates, particularly in high-latitude countries where ovulation rates and the ability of the uterus to host a fertilized egg decrease during the less sunny winter months. Furthermore, research has established a correlation between low levels of vitamin D and certain symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

    A study conducted by Yale School of Medicine on 67 infertile women revealed that only 7% of them had adequate vitamin D levels, while the remaining 93% had a deficiency or insufficiency. Additionally, in 2008, Dr. Anne Clark, an Australian fertility specialist, discovered that about one-third of infertile men participating in her study had vitamin D levels below normal.

    The Fertile Window

    A woman is considered fertile when she is naturally able to conceive a child. This fertility period varies depending on several factors, mainly related to the menstrual cycle, which has an average duration of 28 days, although it can vary from one woman to another.

    The most fertile period of a woman occurs around ovulation, when the ovary releases a mature egg. Ovulation typically happens around the middle of the menstrual cycle, about 12 to 16 days before the start of the next menstrual period. However, this timing can vary depending on the length of each woman's cycle.

    Here are the key stages of fertility in the menstrual cycle:

    • Follicular Phase: Right after menstruation, the body begins preparing several follicles in the ovaries. Each follicle contains a potential egg, but only one will become dominant and continue to mature.
    • Ovulation: The dominant follicle eventually releases the egg, which is now ready to be fertilized. This release is triggered by an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH). Ovulation typically occurs around the middle of the cycle.
    • Luteal Phase: After ovulation, the released follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which produces hormones to prepare the uterus for a potential pregnancy. If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum breaks down, causing a decrease in hormone levels and triggering menstruation.

    A woman's fertile window is generally considered to be the five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation itself. This takes into account the lifespan of the egg (about 24 hours after its release) and the ability of sperm to survive in the female reproductive tract (up to five days under optimal conditions).

    Age and Female Fertility

    Age plays a crucial role in female fertility, with significant variations over time. Here's an overview of how fertility is affected by age:

    • Youth and Early Adulthood (up to about 25 years): Women are generally very fertile during this period. However, menstrual cycle regularity can vary in the early years after puberty.
    • Ages 25 to 35: This is often considered the golden age of fertility for women. Menstrual cycles are generally regular, and the risk of genetic complications is relatively low.
    • Ages 35 to 40: Fertility begins to decline more significantly after 35. The chances of natural conception decrease each year, and the risk of complications such as miscarriages and chromosomal abnormalities in the child increases.
    • After 40: Fertility continues to decline rapidly. Remaining eggs may be of lower quality, further increasing the risk of complications. The probability of natural conception is significantly reduced, and many women may need fertility treatments to conceive.
    • Menopause: Typically occurring between the ages of 45 and 55, menopause marks the end of female fertility. At this stage, the ovaries stop producing eggs, and hormone levels undergo significant changes.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 10 reviews

    I started my treatment in mid-June. I went from a cycle of about 60 days to 40 days. A reduction in symptoms (sugar cravings, fatigue, mood swings...), and I even ovulated! These products have changed my life. Thank you very much!

    Lovely ovulation with cervical mucus

    Thanks to the fertility pack, I was able to experience ovulation along with cervical mucus, which never happens to me! I'm starting the second month on these supplements, hoping for a pregnancy.

    Alexsandra Folch
    I had regular periods after a few months

    I have only been on this supplement for 1 month but I already had regular periods after a few months.

    100% satisfied 💙

    Absolutely thrilled to have discovered Imane Harmonie fertility supplements 😍 They are of very, very good quality, nothing to say 🤩 In my case, we had been trying to conceive for over a year. After a year of trying, I learned that I had PCOS, and a few months later I discovered Imane Harmonie, and I thought why not! At the same time, I started a fertility treatment with Clomid, and I got pregnant in the first month of treatment. I had already started the fertility pack for a month, so one thing is for sure, it had something to do with the story! 🥰 So it took me 1 year and 7 months to get pregnant, but Imane's supplements were greatly beneficial and I can only recommend them to any woman wishing to get pregnant. They are jewels. Thank you for everything. ❤️

    Energy has returned with almost no PMS

    Months that I saw this cure, here bought and started 7 days ago that already the energy is back with an almost inexistent PMS and periods arrived smoothly with advance without associated discomfort. this after a week... let's pray for the future now :heart: