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PCOS Reduce Hair Growth and Hirsutism

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🌿 Reduce hirsutism
🌿 Help to reduce testosterone level
🌿 Support PCOS woman
🌿 Support hormone health
🌿 FDA approuved - 100% natural
🌿 Designed by a naturopath and micronutritionist


Andromaque is the first dietary supplement developed in France to combat increased body and facial hair growth. Its unique formula was developed by Imane, our naturopath specialized in women's well-being. Say goodbye to unwanted PCOS hair with Andromaque!

Do you suffer from hirsutism or hyperandrogenism?

Is your body hair ruining your life?

Do you have hair on your chin? Neck? Nipples?

Too much hair for your liking?

Did you say YES to everything (or almost everything)? Then Andromaque is here for you! Take back control of your hormones and your hair with the power of plants.

Andromaque significantly reduces hair growth, making it finer after just a few months' treatment.

Important: A treatment of 3 to 6 months is generally necessary before observing a change. It is therefore necessary to take a 2-week break every 6 weeks. Do not use continuously for more than 6 weeks without medical advice

How to take

Instructions : Use: 3 capsules with a full glass of water.

Storage: Store in a dry place.

Note: dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced, varied diet or a healthy lifestyle.

Respect the recommended daily intake.

Not recommended in case of allergy to any of the ingredients.

Not recommended for people with liver disease or a personal or family history of hormone-dependent cancer.

Do not use for more than 6 weeks without medical advice.
Consult a health professional before use.

Not recommended for children, pregnant or breast-feeding women.

Keep out of reach of children.


Ingredients : Licorice - is a plant known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Resveratrol - is a powerful antioxidant and natural anti-inflammatory.

Coenzyme Q10 - Is a powerful antioxidant.

Acte à grappé extract - is a plant known for its benefits in women's hormonal health.

Nettle - is considered the leading source of iron among herbs. It is rich in nutrients and minerals. The plant is wonderful for menstrual support.

Reishi - is a mushroom that provides excellent support for the female cycle and the liver. It helps to eliminate toxins from the body. It is also particularly nourishing for our adrenal glands.

The combination of myo inositol (MI) and D-chiro-inositol (DCI)- In addition to improving ovarian function and fertility, it is said to reduce signs of hyperandrogenism (acne and hirsutism) and to have a positive effect on metabolic and hormonal aspects. **
* according to a study dated November 27, 2020 ** according to several studies on inositol and PCOS

Nac (N-Acetyl Cysteine) - aids weight loss (BMI reduction) and lowers total testosterone*.
*according to a Gynecological Endocrinology study Volume 36, 2020

    PCOS  Reduce Hair Growth and Hirsutism
    Features of the Andromaque supplement
    supplements of andromaque
    supplements fact of andromaque
    First French brand for PCOS Supplement
    The French expertise now available to the US
    FDA approuved



    Laser: YES.

    PCOS: Yes.
    PCOS is a metabolic syndrome that can affect hair growth and hirsutism. If you suffer from this condition

    Pre-menopause / Menopause :
    Yes, antioxidants and multivitamins can be beneficial during menopause. They help counter oxidative stress, which can increase due to hormonal changes at this stage of life.

    Pregnant : No.
    Not recommended for pregnant women.

    Breastfeeding : Not recommended

    Trying to conceive : Yes

    ART : Yes

    Medical :
    - Not recommended in case of allergy to any of the ingredients. -Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines at the same time.
    - Not recommended for people with liver disease or a personal or family history of hormone-dependent cancer.
    - Do not use for more than 6 weeks without medical advice.
    - Consult a health professional before use.

    When can I take this supplement?

    You can take this supplement in the morning, at lunchtime or in the evening.- 3 capsules with a full glass of water.You can start this specially formulated supplement for PCOS women suffering from hirsutism at any time of the cycle. You've finally found a natural solution to reduce unsightly hair growth and help reduce hyperandrogenism.

    How your supplements work for better health

    Licorice - is a plant known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

    Resveratrol - is a powerful antioxidant and natural anti-inflammatory.

    Coenzyme Q10 - Is a powerful antioxidant.

    Acte à grappé extract - is a plant known for its benefits in women's hormonal health.

    Nettle - is considered the leading source of iron among herbs. It is rich in nutrients and minerals. The plant is wonderful for menstrual support.

    Reishi - is a mushroom that provides excellent support for the female cycle and the liver. It helps to eliminate toxins from the body. It is also particularly nourishing for our adrenal glands.

    The combination of myo inositol (MI) and D-chiro-inositol (DCI)- In addition to improving ovarian function and fertility, it is said to reduce signs of hyperandrogenism (acne and hirsutism) and to have a positive effect on metabolic and hormonal aspects. **
    * according to a study dated November 27, 2020 ** according to several studies on inositol and PCOS

    Nac (N-Acetyl Cysteine) - aids weight loss (BMI reduction) and lowers total testosterone*.
    *According to Gynecological Endocrinology Volume 36, 2020

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the food and Drug Administration. This product is not intented to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This is a natural supplement and results vary. Check with your doctor prior to starting any supplement regimen

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 11 reviews
    Auceane Troispoux
    Pilosité qui diminue

    Depuis que je le prends ma pilosité a diminuer elle est encore là mais la repousse est plus lente

    Loun Melliti
    Je recommande

    Il faut vraiment être assidue patiente et surtout en complément d'une hygiène de vie où on évite les perturbateurs endocriniens et la mauvaise alimentation. Associée à luminaissance j'ai pu constater une diminution de pilosité ça ralenti déjà puis ça elimine un peu. A compléter avec de l'épilation definitive pour avec un résultat final et un confort parfait ! Ça reste excellent pour des compléments naturels. Je recommande

    Auceane Troispoux
    Pilosité qui diminue

    Depuis que je le prends ma pilosité a diminuer elle est encore là mais la repousse est plus lente

    Loun Melliti
    I recommend

    You really need to be diligent, patient, and especially in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle where you avoid endocrine disruptors and bad diet. Combined with luminaissance, I noticed a decrease in body hair, it slows down first and then eliminates it to some extent. To be complemented with permanent hair removal for a final result and perfect comfort! It remains excellent for natural supplements. I recommend.

    Auceane Troispoux
    Decreasing hair growth

    Since I started taking it, my body hair has decreased, it's still there but the regrowth is slower.